▪️ Today’s Wi-Fi network is growing strongly, improving access speed, security and is the first choice for mobility needs.
▪️ However, implementing a Wi-Fi system also requires certain specialized skills and error handling.
#QDTEK would like to invite information partners and customers to register for the seminar on wi-fi technology according to the information below:
🕐 Time: 11:00am on January 6, 2022
📋 Topic: overview of Wi-Fi technology (Wi-Fi Basic)
👤 Presenter: AllED Telesis Singapore (English)
📌 Link to register to attend: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_k4qRLqgpQOu1iVX-xCBZWw
In addition, for more information about products and solutions from Allied Telesis, you can contact us via:
🔖 Southern Brand Manager: Ngo Thanh Thang – thang.ngo@qdtek.webcanhcam.vn – 091 430 5555
🔖 Northern Brand Manager: Dao Bao Trung – trung.dao@qdtek.webcanhcam.vn – 098 366 6792
🔖 Solution Engineer: Dao Huu Sang – sang.dao@qdtek.webcanhcam.vn – 0903 157 113
✨ QD.TEK, established in 2004, is one of the leading distributors of products, solutions, technology and infrastructure in many fields such as: Total Information Technology, IT, Monitoring Security, Telecommunications and Electricity Infrastructure in Vietnam. QD.TEK has made important contributions in many large IT & Security projects with overall, high aesthetics, safety, convenience for maintenance and warranty and saving operating costs for all projects. , contributing to ensuring sustainable investment for businesses
👉 Learn more at: www.qdtek.webcanhcam.vn